Rain Source Capital


Minnesota angel investment tax credit off to a strong start

It's been a tough slog for early stage capital, lately. Affinity Capital Management and Triathlon Medical Ventures have suspended efforts to raise a $10 million seed fund in Minnesota. And the $1 billion fund biotech investor Steve Burill promised to raise for the Elk Run BioBusiness Park two years ago has yet to materialize. But there is some good news: the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development has awarded $573,000 in tax credits during the first full month of the state's shiny new angel investment tax program.

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10 things you need to know about Minnesota’s angel tax credit

Battle-weary proponents of Minnesota’s historic $60 million angel tax credit had a simple message for the state’s entrepreneurial community: Now that we passed the darn thing, you better use it! “We’ve passed the baton onto you,” Sen. Kathy Saltzman (D-Woodbury) told the audience who gathered in Eden Prairie Monday to learn about the tax credit. […]


Angel investment tax credit hits bureaucratic snag

Investors rejoiced when Minnesota finally passed a five year, $50 million angel tax credit. Only one problem: the state’s largest angel group will be largely shut out. Under a last minute provision inserted into the bill, investors participating in angel deals through individual retirement accounts and family trusts will not be eligible for the tax […]


Fun (and balance) with crutches!

By circumstance and design, crutches are not pleasant devices. If you need a set, it’s a good bet you did something that your knee, leg, or foot did not appreciate. In other words, crutches are just so darn depressing! Jeff Weber certainly thought so. Five years ago, the Minneapolis-based industrial designer broke his heel after […]


Pedal Brain: the future of digital health care?

The company recently struck a deal with HED Cycling Products USA in Shoreview to sell software that records real time data like speed, power, and heart rate from bike-mounted sensors and view the information on an iPhone or website. Pedal Brain has already raised $250,000 from angel investors, about half of its Series A round.


Minnesota House Tax Chair and angel credit foe embraces… an angel credit

Last week, Rep. Ann Lenczewski and House Speaker Margaret Kelliher held a press conference to tout a jobs creation bill. First item on the 26-page bill: a three year, $9 million tax credit to investors and funds with a heavy focus on "green" companies. To receive the credit, regional investment funds must devote 50 percent of its money toward "qualifying green job small businesses."

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